Master Planning


The academic complex is provided with road accessibility from all sides and entry from four directions to segregate the movements and parking lots.The campus avenue is layed along the length of site, north-south located centrally with respect to academic zone of campus. The primary links to the campus are provided by this road.The road layout and spatial order of buildings is made with objective to make effective utilization of land.Essential service staff located nearer to institutional and students activity area.The large open space in the form of stadium with roads surrounding it provides transition between academic and residential zones.

The residential areas are planned with distribution of open spaces for different groups; while the vehicular and pedestrian movements are segregated and streamlined in hierarchical order.All the housing units are oriented to reduce the exposure to solar radiation from west.

Well proportioned, scaled and landscaped central court embraced by various departments serves the purpose of giving relaxed atmosphere for interaction in most concluding settings.While deviating from the stereotype green areas with skylight in the building, enliven the space wile providing evaporative cooling.The changing patterns of cascading light from above brings vitality to the space. Shared entrance lobby by two deptt. Brings in sense of sharing and togetherness with necessary segregation.The average percent-age of circulation is less than 25% resulting into nearly 5% reduction in the circulation area compared to the conventional; hence cost reduction.

Hierarchy of circulation system offers segregation of movements and efficiency.The visual access to vista to central court from entrance plazas to the quality of experience for persons visiting the administration and academic block.  The visual and access links to the departments and the exterior space beyond intertwines them and enhance the spatial experience, it offers permeability for breeze to all areas through the court.