The site for this amusement Park has strong physical context. This included steep slope rising upwards from road side, road along one side of the site rising up straight to the upper part of site and the lake on the other side. The historical stone wall defined the upper edge of site and the monument. Bibi Ka Makbara is visible at a distance from the wall.
The concept of park is evolved in the backdrop of history of forts and monuments and architectural symbolism .The planning and visual language made the references to the typical elements of forts. Walls, bastians ,gateways, minars etc .were used with necessary derivations to suit the contemporary era keeping the linkages to past.
The water falls ,swinging bridges ,moat cascades.Lake, amphitheatre, information centre, watch tower, landscaped terraces are some of the elements used to offer the sense of amusement for different age group ,culture and religion….